Thursday, March 15, 2007

Golden State Responds to OVN

In response to questions posed by OVN reporter Sondra Murphy, Golden State Water Company Vice President Patrick Scanlon explained how customers are billed and the reasons for the proposed 44.27 rate increase. Of particular interest is the "Monthly Service Charge." Comments are welcome.
Read the letter


Anonymous said...

I noticed Golden State Water's Rep
networking with Doug
Breeze at city council meeting.
Appearance that city of
Ojai is for sale to one of
state's largest water monopolies
is not a comforting sign...

Anonymous said...

The meeting on Monday is definitely sponsored by the
Water Company and is therefore simply a JOKE. If we go, we should go and tell people the important meeting is on May 10. Below is the message from the PUC.


Thank you for writing. I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. I will circulate your
comments to five Commissioners, the assigned administrative law judge, and to the formal
correspondence file for this proceeding.

In January 2007 Golden State Water Company filed General Rate Case applications for five of its
districts. These five applications have been consolidated and will be handled as a group by Commission.

Public Participation Hearings have been scheduled for five dates and locations. These hearings are a goodopportunity to speak directly to a Commission administrative law judge about any concerns with the
utility's rates or service. A court reporter will be present and a transcript will be available to the Commissioners & other parties.

Public Participation hearings will be held at:

May 9, 7pm, Santa Maria City Hall Council Chambers,
110 East Cook Street, Santa Maria

May 10, 7pm, Chaparral School Auditorium, 414 East
Ojai Avenue, Ojai

I hope you will be able to attend. If you have questions about participating or if you would like tosend additional comments, please contact the Public Advisor's Office.

Norm Carter
Assistant Public Advisor

We learned many backgroundfacts on Golden State Water Company/former
Southern California Water's powerpoint-can be viewed on Channel 10- they are a state monopoly with ever-expanding customer base. Begs question-why suddenly so active in Ojai Valley.Any plans for big allotment increase to corrispond with development plans?A local home owner's association is located directly over Casistas water
mains yet forced to buy Golden State. Dealings resemble murky plot straight out of "Chinatown"

Anonymous said...

Golden State Water was not
prepared but rather blown out of the water (sorry) by the community response and turnout at this first meeting at Chapparrel Auditorium. Ojai is ready for it's own municipal water
company, but probably should
not seat members of the city council and planning
commission on it's board. PL