Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obama Wins Ojai Democratic Vote

McCain bests Romney in Republican primary, but contest closer than Democratic primary

By Nao Braverman
With a total turnout of 51.5 percent, more Ojai voters came out for the primary elections on Super Tuesday than did for the 2006 November general election.
“More people showed an interest in the primary candidates, so it has been a very interesting and exciting election,” according to Sue Broidy, secretary of the Ojai Valley Democratic Club.
Barack Obama handily won over Ojai voters, with 415 more votes than Hillary Clinton in the Ojai Democratic Party primaries, and 16.9 more percentage points more than Clinton out of all Ojai voters of all parties.
Without a local election to set boundaries, combined precincts were defined as Upper Ojai, Ojai’s East End, Meiners Oaks and Mira Monte. Oak View and Casitas Springs polling places were combined.
John McCain led the Ojai Republican vote count with 834 to 729, for a 105-vote spread. Upstart Republican and former Libertarian congressman Ron Paul received 79 votes in the Ojai end of the Ojai Valley, and 37 in the Oak View end, for a fourth-place finish, behind former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee’s 217 and 132 votes, respectively.
Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio congressman and the only presidential candidate to vote against the resolution authorizing President Bush to wage war against Iraq, received only 13 votes each from local Democrats in both sides of the Ojai Valley, despite a visit to Ojai in September.
Obama barely edged out Clinton in the Oak View and Casitas Springs polling places, with a mere 14 votes separating the front-runners.


Anonymous said...

wake up people Ron Paul is the only true hope for change. Do you want immigration control ? You are not going to get it with Hillery, Obama or Cain

Anonymous said...

White supremacists and members of the American Nazi Party love Ron Paul, too:

Warning: The links on the page referenced in the above URL will take you to, a website popular with members of the KKK, the White Aryan Resistance and other white supremacist groups. I hate sending any traffic their way, but people who support Ron Paul need to know who their soulmates are, if they don't already know.

Anonymous said...

Blogger cut off the URL in the above comment. Here's a shorter URL that will take you to the same place:

Anonymous said...

Who did Independents and N/P's vote for?

Anonymous said...

Who did Independents and N/P's vote for?

Not Ron Paul, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Clearly those who regurgitate the info about White supremacists they first heard on FOX news or some other major media do not understand the Ron Paul movement and what we are up against. Those groups are funded by your over budgeted government so these groups can publicly support candidates in order to make the commoners regurgitate the info and steer clear from freedom. The system that is in place is their to deceive and control you. It is said that so many will defend this system when they were already given the most extraordinary and limited form of government in the history of the world. The problem is that the commoners will not take the time to understand their own sovereignty (definition: supreme authority) over government. Instead the ignorant choose subservience to a tyrannical system commits genocide around globe and claims the ability brings criminal charges against human beings as commercial entities who have privileges granted by government. You could stand up and claim your rights granted by your creator but instead you choose government to be the sovereign power over your economic existence. Of course you probably have no idea what I am talking about. That's why Ron Paul are so passionate. We are learned the history of deception and realize how the government slowly took control over each one of us by making us commercial entities not human beings. Learn the gift you have been and you will awaken to a whole new world of possibilities.